Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Summer Reading

Well, I am on a mission to find a nice list of books to read this summer for when I get a chance to just relax. I did find some interesting ones from the Target Club but I have to check them out.

Monday, April 19, 2010

First Weekend at Camp

This weekend was nice, peaceful, and fun.....So the Kick off Weekend was a success and my activities were a hit. The Friendship Stew was good, we had about 6 families show up thats not to bad. I didn't get any stitching done but I guess I can't have everything. Lizzie went to Splash Universe with her Girl Scout troop and had a great time. Jeff actually made it home for most of the weekend which was very nice. I have to try and post pics more often for you. Until next time...Janet

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cross Stitching Retreat

OMG....did I ever need this retreat. The time away from home really recharged me. I was able to finish up a couple projects. (Though I don't have a pic to post.) And I got so much stitching done. It felt great.

Then I came home to a CLEAN house. I have an amazing man!!! Thanks babe.
My kids all helped out also but that was so Daddy would take them on a boat ride. Oh well whatever it takes!!

Now its back to normal life...not sure what that is but we have worked on opening the camper for this weekend it the Welcome Back Weekend. I think I have all the stuff ready for the kids activities and I am looking forward to it. Now I just have to get through this work week. Until Next Time...OXOXOX