Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Its been a long long time....  So much has changed. 

Jeff and I are doing great, not much really changes after saying "I do".  Its just now official!!!

We decided to homeschool Lizzie again.  Most of the time that goes pretty well, there are just times that I get very stressed about getting everything done.  She is doing awesome in her schooling and really wants to get through 4th and 5th grade levels this year so she can be back where she was to be before I put her in public school the first time. 

We closed up the camp site last weekend.  It seemed like a long season and I am ready for a break.  But I still look forward to next season all at the same time. 

My stitching retreat is right around the corner and I really need this upcoming time away for things.  Just time to sit with the girls, chat, and stitch.  

I think that brings everything up to date for now.  I really want to get better about blogging.....

1 comment:

  1. So glad things are going great. I look forward to chatting with you at retreat. Love ya girl.
